independence declared

I’ve come here today to declare our independence from the tyranny of corruption, which robs us of affordable lives, our belief in the future and respect for each other. But to do that, I must first declare my own independence. Independence from the Democratic Party, and from all other political parties.

I’m going to make that same pledge to you today so that I can stand before you as every leader should stand before you. Free of partisan allegiance. Free from the backroom deals, serving only my conscience, to my Creator, and to you.

RFK Jr Signature

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

our mission

United for America PAC is committed to healing the deep political divide that has fractured many families, friends, and communities. America’s unique promise lies in its ability to bring together diverse perspectives, allowing for innovative solutions to emerge.

partner with us

We are working to revive the spirit of unity that once characterized this great nation, reminding us of the times when Americans came together to overcome monumental challenges, standing as a beacon of hope and progress for the world. By promoting empathy, mutual respect, and constructive engagement, United for America PAC aims to restore America’s former glory, where the strength of our unity triumphs over divisiveness and propels us towards a brighter future for all.

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meet the team

Zeke Hindle, Esq., the UFA Chairman and a longstanding friend of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Bobby), contends that this political season provides an unparalleled opportunity for Americans to acquaint themselves with Bobby’s positions.

Bobby champions the middle class, advocates for government accountability, and strives to unify a polarized nation. As an experienced business and entertainment lawyer based in Los Angeles, Hindle and UFA express enthusiasm for recent polls indicating Bobby’s success in a three-way race within a crucial demographic. Bobby’s independent presidential candidacy empowers him to navigate past censorship from the Democratic Party, big tech, and mainstream media. UFA’s primary mission is to secure Bobby’s presence on the ballot in all 50 states and mobilize public support for his triumphant campaign.

Zeke Hindle, Esq
President of UFA

Join The Legacy

Bobby III Amarylis & RFK Jr@3x-80

Dean Clark David Lee & RFK Jr @3x-80

Gallery - Zeke and Fam@3x-80

Kennedy sons & UFA Team@3x-80

Laird Hamilton Gabrielle & RFK Jr@3x-80

Pierce Brosnan & RFK Jr@3x-80

Zeke Speaking@3x-80

Rob Schneider & UFA Team@3x-80

Zeke & RFK Jr@3x-80

Kennedy Brothers 1@3x-80

Kennedy Brothers 2@3x-80

Kennedy Brothers 3@3x-80

RFK 1@3x-80

RFK 2@3x-80

RFK 3@3x-80

RFK 4@3x-80

RFK Jr & JFK 1@3x-80

RFK Jr & JFK 2@3x-80

RFK Jr & JFK 3@3x-80

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